In many ways we are all heroes. Certainly in architecture it takes courage to get things built! But few who have worked with GMShay over the years have shown as much courage and grace as our co-worker and SuperMom Minnie Poole. Always one of the first to work each morning, after making sure three children were safely in school, even with a fourth on the way! Always calm and good natured. Deeply caring about her professional passion for our architectural interiors. Supporting her whole family during her husband Chris’ several tours in the Middle East as a US Marine and never complaining to us. Minnie is our hero.
Sadly for us, but happily for her family, Minnie is leaving us so her husband can pursue their dreams as an engineer for NASA. We salute her, and look forward to hearing about their next campaign.
Balancing a career and motherhood can’t be as easy as Minnie made it look. This photo is Minnie with her new son Ben. Best of luck to you all!